• Production at Wassana has been suspended following the discovery of a crack within one of the MOPU’s steel jack-up legs that could pose a risk to the structural integrity of the MOPU.
• The company is conducting further inspections and analysis to plan next steps. Further visibility is expected in the coming weeks.
• Pending further details, we are assuming no production at Wassana during 2H24 (~4 mbbl/d previously).
• We are also reducing our opex forecast for 2H24 by US$12 mm (50% of US$24 m ....
27 Jun 2024
Valeura Energy (TSX: VLE): Operational blip offers an opportunity for investors
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Valeura Energy (TSX: VLE): Operational blip offers an opportunity for investors
• Production at Wassana has been suspended following the discovery of a crack within one of the MOPU’s steel jack-up legs that could pose a risk to the structural integrity of the MOPU.
• The company is conducting further inspections and analysis to plan next steps. Further visibility is expected in the coming weeks.
• Pending further details, we are assuming no production at Wassana during 2H24 (~4 mbbl/d previously).
• We are also reducing our opex forecast for 2H24 by US$12 mm (50% of US$24 m ....