Tavistock released results for the year ended 31 March 2020 in line with market expectations, namely underlying EBITDA growth of 24% to £1.83m. In our opinion the result was a notable achievement given the political and economic headwinds facing the industry over the prior 12 months. The Company has adapted well to the impact of COVID19 with a relatively seamless move to working remotely. Combined with salary waivers and cost cutting (the Group wide reorganisation is expected to result
27 Jul 2020
FY to March 2020, adj. EBITDA growth in a tough year
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FY to March 2020, adj. EBITDA growth in a tough year
Tavistock Investments PLC (TAVI:LON) | 2.7 0 0.0% | Mkt Cap: 15.1m
- Published:
27 Jul 2020 -
Matt Butlin -
Tavistock released results for the year ended 31 March 2020 in line with market expectations, namely underlying EBITDA growth of 24% to £1.83m. In our opinion the result was a notable achievement given the political and economic headwinds facing the industry over the prior 12 months. The Company has adapted well to the impact of COVID19 with a relatively seamless move to working remotely. Combined with salary waivers and cost cutting (the Group wide reorganisation is expected to result