PCI_PAL yesterday confirmed the payment of a special dividend of 3.16 pence per share to shareholders on the register as at 18 November. This amounts to a total of £1,002,389.22 and will be paid in December 2016. As previously indicated, forecasts will be introduced when we have greater visibility of management’s plans around investment and strategic growth initiatives.
08 Nov 2016
N+1 Singer - PCI-PAL - Special dividend confirmed
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N+1 Singer - PCI-PAL - Special dividend confirmed
PCI-PAL PLC (PCIP:LON) | 70.0 -0.7 (-1.4%) | Mkt Cap: 50.7m
- Published:
08 Nov 2016 -
Singer CM Team -
PCI_PAL yesterday confirmed the payment of a special dividend of 3.16 pence per share to shareholders on the register as at 18 November. This amounts to a total of £1,002,389.22 and will be paid in December 2016. As previously indicated, forecasts will be introduced when we have greater visibility of management’s plans around investment and strategic growth initiatives.