Pharma & Biotech Stocks

Explore listed companies that focus on the pharma and biotech sector

Pharma & Biotech Stocks

Explore listed companies that focus on the pharma and biotech sector



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Interested in finding out more about pharma & biotech stocks?


Click HERE to read our blog which goes into greater detail explaining the foundations of what defines a pharma or biotech stock, the factors that drive changes in their share price, and a selection of stocks in these industries that have been performing well recently.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about pharma & biotech stocks

  • What are biotech stocks?

    Biotech stocks are the shares of healthcare companies that focus on developing, manufacturing and distributing pharmaceutical products, such as drugs, medicines and vaccines.

  • What is going on with biotech stocks?

    Broker research can be a useful way for getting an understanding of how a company is progressing and performing.  You can discover and read detailed broker research notes about biotech companies HERE on Research Tree.

  • What are the best performing pharma stocks?

    To see the best performing stocks scroll up to the top of this page, you can compare the performances of pharma companies and see the biggest risers and fallers.

  • What drives changes in a pharma or biotech share price?

    The nature of the pharma and biotech industry can lead to sudden sharp increases or decreases in share price depending on the news a company receives surrounding their developing product.


    Investing in pharmaceutical stocks is also a widespread trend during periods of economic or political instability. Due to the Covid-19 crisis biotech and pharma shares have been in particularly high demand because they manufacture products and equipment that are needed to tackle the pandemic. Indeed, the pandemic has created massive opportunities for biotechnology companies that are developing treatments and vaccines for the virus.

  • Where can I find research on pharma and biotech stocks?

    If you’re interested in discovering more publicly traded pharma and biotech, then click HERE to view all pharma and biotech company research on Research Tree.

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