Deutsche Post DHL reported final 2015 results. Revenues increased 4.6% to €59.23bn, mainly driven by positive currency effects. EBITDA declined 6.2% to €4.07bn and the EBITDA margin reached 6.9% compared to 7.7% in 2014. EBIT dropped 18.6% to €2.4bn and the EBIT margin declined from 5.2% to 4.1%. Net income dropped 25.6% to €1.54bn. Management proposed an unchanged dividend of €0.85 per share and a share buy-back programme worth €1bn. In the fourth quarter, reven

10 Mar 2016
Guidance too optimistic!

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Guidance too optimistic!
Deutsche Post AG (DHL:WBO) | 0 0 0.5% | Mkt Cap: 45,425m
- Published:
10 Mar 2016 -
Heinz Steffen -
3 -
Deutsche Post DHL reported final 2015 results. Revenues increased 4.6% to €59.23bn, mainly driven by positive currency effects. EBITDA declined 6.2% to €4.07bn and the EBITDA margin reached 6.9% compared to 7.7% in 2014. EBIT dropped 18.6% to €2.4bn and the EBIT margin declined from 5.2% to 4.1%. Net income dropped 25.6% to €1.54bn. Management proposed an unchanged dividend of €0.85 per share and a share buy-back programme worth €1bn. In the fourth quarter, reven