artnet’s nine-month figures show revenues stable in US$, with the uplift in the € numbers reflecting currency movements. Good progress is being made in the reach of artnet News, driving traffic to all parts of the artnet website and increasing advertising revenues. The upcoming mobile app launch and Amazon co-operation should help continue momentum, lifting the top line and starting to deliver more meaningful returns, allowing the rating to move closer to online B2B and B2C operators and art businesses.
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Art market online
artnet’s nine-month figures show revenues stable in US$, with the uplift in the € numbers reflecting currency movements. Good progress is being made in the reach of artnet News, driving traffic to all parts of the artnet website and increasing advertising revenues. The upcoming mobile app launch and Amazon co-operation should help continue momentum, lifting the top line and starting to deliver more meaningful returns, allowing the rating to move closer to online B2B and B2C operators and art businesses.