Secure Trust Bank’s (STB) pre-close trading update indicates that FY19 results should be in line with expectations, despite the economic slowdown dampening loan demand in the second half of 2019. STB highlighted its strong control over risk while interest margins have been stable. The bank is cautiously optimistic about 2020 and is well positioned, with healthy capital, good liquidity and new business pipelines. STB does not envisage material changes to 2020 guidance, and we are maintaining our estimates and 2,428p per share valuation.
15 Jan 2020
Secure Trust Bank - Positive pre-close
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Secure Trust Bank - Positive pre-close
Secure Trust Bank Plc (STB:LON) | 352 -28.2 (-2.2%) | Mkt Cap: 67.2m
- Published:
15 Jan 2020 -
Pedro Fonseca -
Secure Trust Bank’s (STB) pre-close trading update indicates that FY19 results should be in line with expectations, despite the economic slowdown dampening loan demand in the second half of 2019. STB highlighted its strong control over risk while interest margins have been stable. The bank is cautiously optimistic about 2020 and is well positioned, with healthy capital, good liquidity and new business pipelines. STB does not envisage material changes to 2020 guidance, and we are maintaining our estimates and 2,428p per share valuation.