The UK Government yesterday made public its comments about the 21st Century Fox bid for Sky, saying that the OFCOM regulator found that it raises public interest concerns linked to the Murdoch family interest in the UK media. Positively, it noted that there are no broadcasting concerns. A more in-depth review is likely to be required and the merger to go through a full investigation. The final decision is awaited on July 14 as the companies were asked to propose some solutions to avoid the re
30 Jun 2017
Merger delay likely but main threat removed
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Merger delay likely but main threat removed
Skyline Investment S.A. (0OJU:LON) | 0 0 0.0%
- Published:
30 Jun 2017 -
Véronique Cabioc'h -
The UK Government yesterday made public its comments about the 21st Century Fox bid for Sky, saying that the OFCOM regulator found that it raises public interest concerns linked to the Murdoch family interest in the UK media. Positively, it noted that there are no broadcasting concerns. A more in-depth review is likely to be required and the merger to go through a full investigation. The final decision is awaited on July 14 as the companies were asked to propose some solutions to avoid the re