Edison Investment Research is terminating coverage on European Opportunities Trust (EOT). Please note you should no longer rely on any previous research or estimates for this company. All forecasts should now be considered redundant.
Previously published reports can still be accessed via our website.

05 Dec 2023
European Opportunities Trust - Termination of coverage

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European Opportunities Trust - Termination of coverage
European Opportunities Trust PLC GBP (EOT:LON) | 898 -9 (-0.1%) | Mkt Cap: 558.7m
- Published:
05 Dec 2023 -
Neil Shah -
2 -
Edison Investment Research is terminating coverage on European Opportunities Trust (EOT). Please note you should no longer rely on any previous research or estimates for this company. All forecasts should now be considered redundant.
Previously published reports can still be accessed via our website.