NCC Group announced the acquisition of Fox-IT for a total consideration of €133.25m on Tuesday. At c.20.8x Dec’16 EV/EBITDA the valuation reflects the escalating price of cybersecurity assets in the current environment. The accompanying placing and open offer to raise £126.3m at 275p means the acquisition is earnings dilutive in all forecast years, although the level of fundraise also provides firepower for further acquisitions. Until the funds are reinvested the shares look expensive on Dec’16 ....
26 Nov 2015
Fox-IT brings added capability, at a price
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Fox-IT brings added capability, at a price
NCC Group plc (NCC:LON) | 138 0 0.0% | Mkt Cap: 423.6m
- Published:
26 Nov 2015 -
Singer CM Team -
NCC Group announced the acquisition of Fox-IT for a total consideration of €133.25m on Tuesday. At c.20.8x Dec’16 EV/EBITDA the valuation reflects the escalating price of cybersecurity assets in the current environment. The accompanying placing and open offer to raise £126.3m at 275p means the acquisition is earnings dilutive in all forecast years, although the level of fundraise also provides firepower for further acquisitions. Until the funds are reinvested the shares look expensive on Dec’16 ....