Redcentric released interims before Christmas, with an analyst meeting this morning, however no new related news is available. The extent of the accounting misstatement has already been quantified at £20.8m, of which £5.9m related to the interim period ending September 2016, relating to accounting practices, policies, and errors regarding cost accrual, cost deferral, and revenue recognition. Having withdrawn original forecasts with the initial revelations, we reintroduce amended f
11 Jan 2017
Interims: restoring forecasts
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Interims: restoring forecasts
Redcentric Plc (RCN:LON) | 125 0 0.0% | Mkt Cap: 197.8m
- Published:
11 Jan 2017 -
Andrew Darley -
Redcentric released interims before Christmas, with an analyst meeting this morning, however no new related news is available. The extent of the accounting misstatement has already been quantified at £20.8m, of which £5.9m related to the interim period ending September 2016, relating to accounting practices, policies, and errors regarding cost accrual, cost deferral, and revenue recognition. Having withdrawn original forecasts with the initial revelations, we reintroduce amended f