Redcentric prelims indicate evidence of strong continuing performance, in line with both their mid March trading update and our forecasts. 81% of revenue is recurring (FY14: 71%) with group EBITDA margin expansion to 22.7% (FY14: 18%) including 23.9% 2H15 margin performance. Having proved the potential of the business in a clean 12-month period, ie integrating IMS without further acquisitions, we expect operating fundamentals to benefit from continuing organic growth (FY15: 8%) in addition to
15 Jun 2015
Recurring execution
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Recurring execution
Redcentric Plc (RCN:LON) | 126 0 0.0% | Mkt Cap: 199.4m
- Published:
15 Jun 2015 -
Andrew Darley - Pages:
Redcentric prelims indicate evidence of strong continuing performance, in line with both their mid March trading update and our forecasts. 81% of revenue is recurring (FY14: 71%) with group EBITDA margin expansion to 22.7% (FY14: 18%) including 23.9% 2H15 margin performance. Having proved the potential of the business in a clean 12-month period, ie integrating IMS without further acquisitions, we expect operating fundamentals to benefit from continuing organic growth (FY15: 8%) in addition to