Having weathered the COVID storm with flying colours, Redcentric has delivered results in line as per the April trading update. Pre COVID, we looked to £24.1m EBITDA for the year, adjusting down to £23.6m in April 2020; and yet the group delivered EBITDA of £24.6m (+19% vs FY20), challenges and opportunities having been accommodated by an efficient platform and nimble response. The group furloughed no staff, proving the margins are sustainable, and rapidly developed & delivered solutions to sui ....
15 Jul 2021
Redcentric - Lean and hungry
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Redcentric - Lean and hungry
Redcentric Plc (RCN:LON) | 125 0 0.0% | Mkt Cap: 197.8m
- Published:
15 Jul 2021 -
Andrew Darley | Kimberley Carstens -
Having weathered the COVID storm with flying colours, Redcentric has delivered results in line as per the April trading update. Pre COVID, we looked to £24.1m EBITDA for the year, adjusting down to £23.6m in April 2020; and yet the group delivered EBITDA of £24.6m (+19% vs FY20), challenges and opportunities having been accommodated by an efficient platform and nimble response. The group furloughed no staff, proving the margins are sustainable, and rapidly developed & delivered solutions to sui ....