Imagination has released its final results for the year to April 2017. While the results themselves are slightly ahead of our expectations, reflecting the significant restructuring undertaken in the year, events post the year end have taken over. There is no further update on the dispute with Apple within today’s update and no indication of the level at which the group has received interest from potential bidders for the whole group. The outlook for licence revenue in FY’18 is said to be strong, ....
04 Jul 2017
N+1 Singer - Imagination Technologies Group - Takeout remains most attractive outcome
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N+1 Singer - Imagination Technologies Group - Takeout remains most attractive outcome
Imagination Technologies Group (IMG:LON) | 0 0 0.0%
- Published:
04 Jul 2017 -
Singer CM Team -
Imagination has released its final results for the year to April 2017. While the results themselves are slightly ahead of our expectations, reflecting the significant restructuring undertaken in the year, events post the year end have taken over. There is no further update on the dispute with Apple within today’s update and no indication of the level at which the group has received interest from potential bidders for the whole group. The outlook for licence revenue in FY’18 is said to be strong, ....