The specialist developer and distributor of computerised neuropsychological tests has announced its second distribution agreement for third party products this month. The deal announced last week confers to the Company the sole rights to market the MANUS Parkinson's Pen, a sensor pen for diagnosis and monitoring of neuromotor impairments, in academic research, pharmaceutical clinical trials and occupational health markets. The device is a CE marked Class I medical device. The total cost of Pa
27 Jun 2016
Detecting Parkinson’s earlier and cheaper
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Detecting Parkinson’s earlier and cheaper
Cambridge Cognition Holdings Plc (COG:LON) | 42.0 0 0.0% | Mkt Cap: 17.6m
- Published:
27 Jun 2016 -
Derren Nathan -
The specialist developer and distributor of computerised neuropsychological tests has announced its second distribution agreement for third party products this month. The deal announced last week confers to the Company the sole rights to market the MANUS Parkinson's Pen, a sensor pen for diagnosis and monitoring of neuromotor impairments, in academic research, pharmaceutical clinical trials and occupational health markets. The device is a CE marked Class I medical device. The total cost of Pa