Entertainment AI has released a Trading Update for the period to December that confirms audience and revenue growth is in line with expectations. The group finished the year with stronger than DCe cash of $9.5m. For FY19, GT Channel audience leapt +45% to 12.3bn driving net revenues up +59% to $10.3m in line with DCe. During Q4, Tagasauris completed a successful pilot with Sumitomo Corporation, EAI's global strategic partner, to deliver an enriched viewing experience for the Rugby World Cup.
21 Jan 2020
Trading Update
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Trading Update
SEEEN Plc (SEEN:LON) | 3.8 0 0.0% | Mkt Cap: 4.51m
- Published:
21 Jan 2020 -
Paul Richards -
Entertainment AI has released a Trading Update for the period to December that confirms audience and revenue growth is in line with expectations. The group finished the year with stronger than DCe cash of $9.5m. For FY19, GT Channel audience leapt +45% to 12.3bn driving net revenues up +59% to $10.3m in line with DCe. During Q4, Tagasauris completed a successful pilot with Sumitomo Corporation, EAI's global strategic partner, to deliver an enriched viewing experience for the Rugby World Cup.