Regulatory News News for 17 Feb 2025

Time Source Ticker Company % Chg Sector Market Cap Announcement
17:16  RNS  JPM:NYSE, JGGI:LON  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00% Various  Various  JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
17:16  RNS  SRES:LON  Sunrise Resources plc  0.00% Resources  £1.24m  Sunrise Resources - Issue of Shares following Conversion & TVR 
17:15  RNS            Takeover Panel - Disclosure Table 
17:00  RNS            SulNOx Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
17:00  RNS  ULVR:LON  Unilever PLC  -0.43% Household Goods & DIY  £110,726m  Unilever PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
17:00 PM
16:59  RNS  3SBE:LON, BA3S:LON, SBA3:LON  Leverage Shares -3x Short Alibaba ETP, Leverage Shares -3x Short Alibaba ETP, Leverage Shares -3x Short Alibaba ETP  -2.55% Various  Various  Leverage Shares PLC - ETP Noteholder Meeting Notice - -3x Alibaba 
16:59  RNS  PEMB:LON  Pembroke VCT PLC Registered B  0.00% Investment Trusts  £203.8m  Pembroke VCT PLC - Dividend Declaration 
16:55  GNW  HHV:LON  Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc  0.00% Financial Services  £148.6m  Correction: Interim Management Statement Q1 2025 
16:47  RNS  DLAR:LON  De La Rue plc  -0.84% Media  £229.4m  De La Rue PLC - Rule 2.9 Announcement 
16:45  RNS  ADT1:LON  Adriatic Metals Plc  -2.80% Resources  £673.3m  Adriatic Metals - PROPOSED A$80.0 MILLION EQUITY RAISE 
16:43  RNS  SAIN:LON  Scottish American Investment Company P.L.C.  0.39% Investment Trusts  £901.4m  Scot.American Inv. - Dividend Declaration 
16:42  RNS  COBR:LON  Cobra Resources Plc  0.00% Resources  £9.20m  Cobra Resources PLC - Posting of GM Notice & Proposed Rule 9 Waiver 
16:00  RNS  TSCO:LON  Tesco PLC  0.10% Staple Retail  £26,695m  Tesco PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
16:00  RNS  VANQ:LON  Vanquis Banking Group PLC  -6.60% Financial Services  £145.4m  Vanquis Banking Grp - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
16:00  RNS  AQX:LON  Aquis Exchange Plc  -0.35% Banks  £193.4m  Aquis Exchange PLC - Directorate Change 
16:00 PM
15:52  RNS            Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice - SOCIETE GENERALE 
15:45  RNS  OIG:LON  Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd GBP Accum.Shs  0.00% Investment Trusts  £153.3m  Oryx Int. Growth Fnd - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
15:30  RNS  INVP:LON  Investec plc  -0.74% Banks  £5,016m  Investec PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
15:28  RNS  KYGA:LON  Kerry Group Plc Class A  1.54% Food Production  €16,316m  Kerry Group PLC - Notice of Results and AGM 
15:28  RNS  FP:LON  S.C. Fondul Proprietatea SA Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00% Other  0m  Fondul Proprietatea - Notification - buybacks 10 - 14 February 2025 
15:27  RNS  BVA:LON  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.  -1.66% Banks  €69,736m  Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice-BBVA 
15:05  RNS  OMU:LON  Old Mutual Ltd.  0.00% Insurance & Reinsurance  £2,564m  Old Mutual Ltd - CHANGE IN DIRECTORATE 
15:04  PRN  MNL:LON  Manchester & London Investment Trust PLC  -0.56% Investment Trusts  £176.2m  Manchester & London Investment Trust Plc - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
15:03  RNS            ING Bank N.V. London - Post stabilisation Notice ING Groep 
15:00  RNS  BLND:LON  British Land Company PLC  -0.48% Real Estate  £3,707m  British Land Co PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
15:00  RNS            General Atomics - General Atomics and EDGE Establish Partnership 
15:00 PM
14:37  RNS  DSCV:LON  discoverIE Group PLC  -1.19% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £562.2m  discoverIE Group plc - Notification of Major Holdings 
14:32  RNS  SWG:LON  Shearwater Group plc  0.00% Technology  £8.58m  Shearwater Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:32  RNS  DGE:LON  Diageo plc  0.27% Food & Drink  £47,908m  Diageo PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:30  RNS  SRE:LON  Sirius Real Estate Limited  -0.63% Real Estate  £1,175m  Sirius Real Estate - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:28  RNS            Westpac Banking. - WESTPAC 1Q25 INVESTOR DISCUSSION PACK 
14:26  RNS            Westpac Banking. - Pillar 3 Report 
14:25  RNS            Westpac Banking. - 1st Quarter Results 
14:18  RNS  XSG:LON  Xeros Technology Group Plc  -1.92% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £6.64m  Xeros Tech Grp plc - TR-1 Spreadex 
14:09  PRN  THRG:LON  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC GBP  -0.16% Investment Trusts  £483.7m  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc - Result of Meeting 
14:03  RNS  MONY:LON  Mony Group PLC  4.63% Technology  £1,069m  Mony Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:00 PM
13:56  RNS  JPM:NYSE, JGGI:LON  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00% Various  Various  JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
13:55  RNS            Westpac Banking. - Publication of Suppl.Prospcts 
13:55  RNS            Westpac Banking. - Publication of Suppl.Prospcts 
13:49  RNS  JPM:NYSE, JGGI:LON  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00% Various  Various  JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
13:25  RNS            iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:21  RNS            iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:19  RNS            iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:11  RNS  TMI:LON, TMIP:LON  Taylor Maritime Limited, Taylor Maritime Limited  0.00% Various  Various  Taylor Maritime - Dividend Currency Election 
13:08  RNS            Roemer Capital - ROEMER CAPITAL INVITES CERTAIN HOLDERS… 
13:05  RNS            Morgan StanleyEurope - Stabilisation Notice 
13:02  RNS            Morgan StanleyEurope - Stabilisation Notice 
13:00  RNS  PYC:LON  Physiomics Plc  0.00% Other  £1.07m  Physiomics PLC - Result of WRAP Retail Offer 
13:00  RNS  EZJ:LON  easyJet plc  0.96% Leisure, Tourism & Travel  £3,977m  easyJet PLC - Publication of a Prospectus 
13:00 PM
12:59  RNS  AEI:LON  abrdn Equity Income Trust plc GBP  1.81% Investment Trusts  £157.9m  abrdn Equity Income - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  DIG:LON  Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust PLC  0.70% Investment Trusts  £382.2m  Dunedin Inc.Growth - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  AAIF:LON  abrdn Asian Income Fund Limited  0.67% Investment Trusts  £332.0m  abrdn Asian IncFd - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  MYI:LON  Murray International Trust PLC  0.36% Investment Trusts  £1,629m  Murray Intnl Trust - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  MUT:LON  Murray Income Trust PLC  0.00% Investment Trusts  £854.8m  Murray Inc Trust PLC - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  ANII:LON  abrdn New India Investment Trust plc GBP  -0.54% Investment Trusts  £354.0m  abrdn New India IT. - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  AAS:LON  abrdn Asia Focus plc  0.00% Investment Trusts  £437.1m  abrdn Asia Focus plc - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  SHRS:LON  Shires Income PLC GBP  0.60% Investment Trusts  £100.9m  Shires Income PLC - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  AUSC:LON  abrdn UK Smaller Companies Growth Trust PLC GBP  0.39% Investment Trusts  £342.7m  abrdn UK Smaller Cos - Gearing disclosure 
12:56  RNS  XGDU:LON  Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC  0.18% ETFs  3,132m  Xtrackers ETC PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
12:51  RNS            abrdn Inv. Trusts - Gearing disclosure 
12:47  RNS            Santander UK Plc - Notice of Early Redemption Series 1244 
12:45  PRN  BRLA:LON  Blackrock Latin American Investment Trust PLC  1.56% Investment Trusts  £94.2m  BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust Plc - Mandatory closed period - Compliance with MAR 
12:45  RNS            Santander UK Plc - Notice of Early Redemption Series 1217 and 1218 
12:38  RNS            LiveWest Treasury - Publication of Pricing Supplement 
12:31  RNS            NewcastleBuildingSoc - Resignation of Chief Financial Officer 
12:28  GNW  FTV:LON  Foresight VCT plc  0.00% Financial Services  £182.0m  Issue of Equity 
12:21  RNS  XGDU:LON  Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC  0.18% ETFs  3,132m  Xtrackers ETC PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
12:16  RNS  SMSD:LON, SMSN:LON  Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Sponsored GDR Pfd, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Sponsored GDR  0.00% Various  Various  Samsung Electronics - Report on Share Repurchase Results 
12:13  RNS  JEDT:LON  JPMorgan European Discovery Trust plc  0.31% Investment Trusts  £557.6m  JPMorgan Euro Discov - Gearing announcement 
12:11  RNS  JCGI:LON  JPMorgan China Growth & Income PLC  2.61% Investment Trusts  £211.8m  JPMorgan China G&I - Gearing announcement 
12:11  RNS  JII:LON  JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust PLC  0.72% Investment Trusts  £646.8m  JPMorgan Indian Inv - Gearing announcement 
12:11  RNS  JAGI:LON  JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.78% Investment Trusts  £281.0m  JPMorgan Asia G&I - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JFJ:LON  JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust  1.49% Investment Trusts  £1,000m  JPMorgan Japanese IT - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JEMI:LON  JPMorgan Global Emerging Markets Income Trust PLC GBP  1.84% Investment Trusts  £384.5m  JPMorgan Global E.M. - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JUGI:LON  JPMorgan UK Small Cap Growth & Income plc GBP  -0.32% Investment Trusts  £410.2m  JPMorgan UK Sml Cap - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JMG:LON  JPMorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust PLC  1.07% Investment Trusts  1,188m  JPMorgan Emerg Mkts - Gearing announcement 
12:09  RNS  MRC:LON  Mercantile Investment Trust PLC  0.61% Investment Trusts  £1,831m  Mercantile Inv Tst - Gearing announcement 
12:09  RNS  JPM:NYSE, JGGI:LON  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00% Various  Various  JPMorgan Global - Gearing announcement 
12:09  RNS            JPMorgan EuroG&I PLC - Gearing announcement 
12:08  RNS  JAM:LON  JPMorgan American Investment Trust Plc  0.00% Investment Trusts  £2,063m  JPMorgan Amer InvTst - Gearing announcement 
12:08  RNS  JCH:LON  JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust PLC  0.81% Investment Trusts  £412.1m  JPMorgan Claver IT - Gearing announcement 
12:08  RNS  JUSC:LON  JPMorgan US Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC GBP  -0.41% Open-ended Funds  £294.9m  JPMorganUS Small Cos - Gearing announcement 
12:03  RNS            JPMorgan Inv. Trusts - Gearing announcement 
12:00 AM
11:59  RNS  SDG:LON  Sanderson Design Group PLC  -0.19% Household Goods & DIY  £37.1m  Sanderson Design Grp - Notification of Director Share Ownership 
11:58  RNS  REL:LON  RELX PLC  -0.61% Other  £75,020m  RELX PLC - Additional Listing 
11:47  RNS  ATR:LON  Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc  1.03% Investment Trusts  £455.0m  Schroder AsianTR Inv - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
11:43  RNS  BARC:LON, IDS:LON  Barclays PLC, International Distribution Services plc  3.32% Various  Various  Barclays PLC - Form8.5EPT/NonRIInternationalDistributionSvcsPLC 
11:34  RNS  FVV:LON  Fuel Ventures Vct PLC  0.00% Financial Services  3.23m  Fuel Ventures VCT - Publication of a Prospectus & Notice of GM 
11:30  RNS  AXL:NYSE, BARC:LON  American Axle & Manufact., Barclays PLC  0.00% Various  Various  Barclays PLC - Form8.5EPT/NonRIAMERICANAXLE&MANUFACTURINGHOLDINGS 
11:30  RNS  HL:LON  Hargreaves Lansdown plc  -0.09% Financial Services  £5,214m  Hargreaves Lansdown - Director Declaration 
11:22  RNS  PPP:LON  Pennpetro Energy Plc  0.00% Energy  £9.58m  Pennpetro Energy PLC - Adjournment of Annual General Meeting 
11:17  RNS            Affinity Water Fin - FINAL DETERMINATION AND EQUITY UPDATE 
11:15  RNS            Aff WaterFin2004 Plc - FINAL DETERMINATION AND EQUITY UPDATE 
11:07  RNS  XSG:LON  Xeros Technology Group Plc  -1.92% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £6.64m  Xeros Tech Grp plc - TR-1 First Equity 
11:00 AM
10:32  RNS  KGRN:LON  KraneShares MSCI China Clean Technology Index UCITS ETF USD AccumUSD  -1.66% ETFs  1.99m  KraneS China Clean $ - KraneShrsMSCI China Clean Tech UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:31  RNS  CHIN:LON  KraneShares ICBCCS S&P China 500 UCITS ETF  0.00% ETFs  0m  KraneS ICBCCS S&P $ - KraneShares ICBCCS S&P China500 UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:31  RNS  KSTR:LON  KraneShares ICBCCS SSE STAR Market 50 Index UCITS ETF USD  0.00% ETFs  1.35m  KraneS ICBCCS SSE S$ - KraneShrsICBCCSSSEStrMrket50Idx UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:29  RNS  KARS:LON  KraneShares Electric Vehicles & Future Mobility ESG Screened UCITS ETF AccumUSD  0.00% ETFs  4.90m  KraneS Elec Veh Fut$ - KraneShrsMSCI Electric Vehicle UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:27  RNS  KWBP:LON  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF AccumGBP  2.51% ETFs  16.2m  KraneS CSI China GBP - KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF GBP 14.02.25 
10:27  RNS  KWBE:LON  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF EUR  1.45% ETFs  71.1m  KraneS CSI China Eur - KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF EUR 14.02.25 
10:26  RNS  KWEB:LON  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF  1.02% ETFs  298.0m  KraneS CSI China Int - KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:25  RNS            KraneShares ICAV - KraneShares ICAV 14.02.25 
10:24  RNS            Mirae Asset ETF ICAV - Global X ETF ICAV 14.02.2025 
10:00 AM
09:51  RNS  EME:LON  Empyrean Energy PLC  -3.33% Energy  £5.42m  Empyrean Energy PLC - Wilson River-1 well update 
09:50  RNS  GCL:LON  Geiger Counter Limited  -3.22% Investment Trusts  £63.2m  Geiger Counter Ltd - Share BuyBack 
09:47  RNS  DIG:LON  Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust PLC  0.70% Investment Trusts  £382.2m  Dunedin Inc.Growth - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
09:42  RNS            J.P. Morgan SE - Stabilisation Notice 
09:41  RNS  ARR:LON  Aurora UK Alpha plc  0.97% Investment Trusts  £156.7m  Aurora UK Alpha PLC - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
09:38  RNS  IDS:LON  International Distribution Services plc  0.00% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £3,501m  BkofA Merrill Lynch - 20250214_INT DIS SERVICES_8.5 EPT RI_UK_MLI 
09:36  RNS  IDS:LON  International Distribution Services plc  0.00% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £3,501m  BkofA Merrill Lynch - 20250214_INT DIS SERVICES_8.5 EPT NON-RI_UK_BOFASE 
09:28  RNS  MTU:LON  Montanaro UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC  -0.46% Investment Trusts  £176.9m  Montanaro UK SmlrCos - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
09:22  RNS  CCH:LON  Coca-Cola HBC AG  2.25% Food & Drink  £11,833m  Coca-Cola HBC AG - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
09:05  RNS  LLOY:LON  Lloyds Banking Group plc  -1.93% Banks  £38,062m  HBOS PLC - Notification of Redemption 
09:04  RNS            Infex Therapeutics - £1 million grant from PACE 
09:00 AM
08:52  PRN  OXIG:LON  Oxford Instruments plc  -0.24% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £1,171m  Oxford Instruments Plc - Directorate Change 
08:47  RNS  AGR:LON  Assura PLC  8.97% Real Estate  £1,383m  Kohlberg Kravis R. - Possible Offer for Assura plc 
08:46  RNS  LLOY:LON  Lloyds Banking Group plc  -1.93% Banks  £38,062m  Lloyds Banking Group - Notification of Redemption 
08:36  RNS  RBGP:LON  RBG Holdings Plc  0.00% Other  £1.15m  RBG Holdings PLC - Update on Intention to Appoint Administrators 
08:30  RNS  S32:LON  South32 Ltd.  1.08% Resources  £8,452m  South32 Limited - Change of Director's Interest Notice 
08:29  RNS            Deutsche Bank AG FF - Pre-Stabilisation Notice 
08:27  RNS  ALK:LON  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62% Banks  11.7m  Alkemy Capital Invs. - Replacement: Subscription to raise £0.75 million 
08:22  RNS  S32:LON  South32 Ltd.  1.08% Resources  £8,452m  South32 Limited - Notification of Dealing Form 
08:05  PRN  PDL:LON  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24% Resources  £49.5m  Petra Diamonds Ltd - H1 FY 2025 Interim Results (correction to title) 
08:00  RNS            Official List - Removal - Japan Finance Organization for Municipal 
08:00  RNS            Stock Exch Notice - Admission to Trading - 17/02/2025 
08:00  RNS            AIM - AIM Notice - 17/02/2025 
08:00  RNS            Stock Exch Notice - Admission to ISM - 17/02/2025 
08:00  RNS            Stock Exch Notice - Cancellation - JAPAN FIN ORG FOR MUNICIPALITIES 
08:00  RNS            Official List - Official List Notice 
08:00 AM
07:56  RNS  BVA:LON  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.  -1.66% Banks  €69,736m  Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice- BBVA 
07:45  RNS            Takeover Panel - Disclosure Table 
07:37  RNS  TPT:LON  Topps Tiles Plc  0.00% Discretionary Retail  £70.7m  Topps Tiles - CTD Tiles acquisition CMA phase 1 decision 
07:34  RNS  SPR:LON  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53% Real Estate  £120.1m  Springfield Props. - Progressive publishes new research 
07:30  RNS            AIM - Restoration- Europa Metals Ltd 
07:19  RNS            Australia & NZ Bank. - Redemption of outstanding ANZ Capital Notes 5 
07:08  RNS  EST:LON  East Star Resources PLC  -14.81% Other  4.57m  East Star Resources - VMS Copper Drilling Results 
07:05  RNS  AGR:LON  Assura PLC  8.97% Real Estate  £1,383m  Kohlberg Kravis R. - Possible Offer for Assura plc 
07:01  RNS  FME:LON  Future Metals NL  3.33% Resources  £4.46m  Future Metals NL - ASX Price Query Response 
07:01  RNS  SPR:LON  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53% Real Estate  £120.1m  Springfield Props. - Interim Results 
07:00  PRN  BRGE:LON  Blackrock Greater Europe Investment Trust PLC  0.48% Investment Trusts  £597.9m  BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  BERI:LON  BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust plc  0.00% Investment Trusts  £143.9m  BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  THRG:LON  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC GBP  -0.16% Investment Trusts  £483.7m  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  ACRM:LON  Acuity RM Group PLC Registered  0.00% Technology  £2.85m  Acuity RM Group Plc - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  PRN  BRSC:LON  Blackrock Smaller Companies Trust PLC  0.00% Investment Trusts  £606.8m  BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  BRAI:LON  BlackRock American Income Trust plc GBP  -0.94% Investment Trusts  £146.2m  BlackRock American Income Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  TMPL:LON  Temple Bar Investment Trust PLC GBP  1.03% Investment Trusts  £828.9m  Temple Bar Investment Trust Plc - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
07:00  PRN  PDL:LON  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24% Resources  £49.5m  Petra Diamonds Ltd - Director Change 
07:00  PRN            Tap Global Group Plc - Placing to Raise £1 Million 
07:00  PRN  PDL:LON  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24% Resources  £49.5m  Petra Diamonds Ltd - H1 FY 2024 Interim results 
07:00  GNW  HHV:LON  Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc  0.00% Financial Services  £148.6m  Interim Management Statement Q1 2025 
07:00  RNS            JPMorgan Chase & Co - JPMC&Co. 10-K (2025) 
07:00  RNS            Nomura Fin. Prducts - Post-Stab Notice - CCDJ GBP 600M 15.01.2025 
07:00  RNS            Binghatti Sukuk SPC - Annual Financial Report 2024 
07:00  RNS  EUZ:LON  Europa Metals Limited  -20.00% Resources  1.56m  Europa Metals Ltd - Viridian Metals Transaction Update 
07:00  RNS  XPF:LON  XP Factory PLC  0.00% Leisure, Tourism & Travel  £21.0m  XP Factory PLC - Reduction of Capital, Circular & Notice of GM 
07:00  RNS  FEVR:LON  Fevertree Drinks PLC  1.83% Food & Drink  £954.2m  Fevertree Drinks PLC - Commencement of share buyback programme 
07:00  RNS  WIL:LON  Wilmington plc  -7.83% Media  £313.5m  Wilmington PLC - Half-year Report 
07:00  RNS  EEE:LON  Empire Metals Limited  3.88% Resources  £60.1m  Empire Metals Ltd - Major Drilling Campaign to Commence at Pitfield 
07:00  RNS  NEXN:LON  Nexxen International Ltd.  0.00% Media  £1,027m  AIM - Cancellation - Nexxen International Limited 
07:00  RNS  PPS:LON  Proton Motor Power Systems Plc  0.00% Discretionary Personal Goods  £2.49m  AIM - Cancellation - PROTON MOTOR POWER SYSTEMS PLC 
07:00  RNS  AGY:LON  Allergy Therapeutics plc  9.93% Health  £286.0m  Allergy Therapeutics - Grass MATA MPL Phase III data published in Allergy 
07:00  RNS  TST:LON  Touchstar plc  2.85% Technology  £7.38m  Touchstar PLC - Trading Update & Conclusion of Strategic Review 
07:00  RNS            Kommunal Landspensj - Fourth Quarter Results 
07:00  RNS  HSBK:LON, 37QB:LON  Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC Sponsored GDR 144A, Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00% Various  Various  JSC Halyk Bank - Transaction in Own Securities 
07:00  RNS  RMMC:LON  River UK Micro Cap Limited  0.00% Investment Trusts  49.2m  River UK Micro Cap - Notice of AGM 
07:00  RNS  ITM:LON  ITM Power PLC  -4.32% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £208.2m  ITM Power PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  PSDL:LON  Phoenix Spree Deutschland Fund  -2.14% Real Estate  £144.9m  Phoenix SpreeDeutsch - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
07:00  RNS            EDX Medical Group - EDX develops new ‘super test’ for prostate cancer 
07:00  RNS  SOU:LON  Sound Energy plc  -3.12% Energy  £16.1m  Sound Energy PLC - Change of Adviser 
07:00  RNS  SOU:LON  Sound Energy plc  -3.12% Energy  £16.1m  Sound Energy PLC - Change of Adviser 
07:00  RNS  HLCL:LON  Helical plc  0.00% Real Estate  £231.7m  Helical PLC - Appointment of Group Company Secretary 
07:00  RNS  HERC:LON  Hercules Site Services Plc  5.76% Building & Construction  43.8m  Hercules Site Svcs - PCA Dealing 
07:00  RNS  ASLI:LON  abrdn European Logistics Income PLC  0.00% Real Estate  £248.1m  abrdn Euro Logistics - Fourth Interim Distribution 
07:00  RNS  CHSS:LON  World Chess PLC  0.00% Technology  32.9m  World Chess PLC - Board Changes 
07:00  RNS  CHSS:LON  World Chess PLC  0.00% Technology  32.9m  World Chess PLC - Board Changes 
07:00  RNS  FA17:LON, FAIR:LON  Fair Oaks Income Limited 2021 Shs USD, Fair Oaks Income Limited Realisation USD  0.00% Various  Various  Fair Oaks Income Ltd - Return of Capital to Realisation Shareholders 
07:00  RNS  RTW:LON  RTW Biotech Opportunities Ltd USD  0.00% Financial Services  455.2m  RTW Biotech Opp. - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  CRU:LON  Coral Products plc  -2.17% Other  £5.01m  Coral Products PLC - Completion of Property Sale and Directorate Change 
07:00  RNS  ATG:LON  Auction Technology Group PLC  -1.19% Technology  713.5m  Auction Technology - Debt Refinance 
07:00  RNS  SCLP:LON  Scancell Holdings Plc  -3.26% Health  £92.3m  Scancell Hlds - Scancell presenting at AACR IO conference 
07:00  RNS  MONY:LON  Mony Group PLC  4.63% Technology  £1,069m  Mony Group PLC - Commencement of Share Buyback 
07:00  RNS  MONY:LON  Mony Group PLC  4.63% Technology  £1,069m  Mony Group PLC - Preliminary Results 
07:00  RNS  OXB:LON  Oxford BioMedica plc  -0.25% Health  £413.0m  Oxford Biomedica PLC - Full Year Trading Update and Notice of Results 
07:00  RNS  EBQ:LON  Ebiquity Plc  3.21% Other  £30.8m  Ebiquity PLC - Appointment of NOMAD and Trading Update 
07:00  RNS  FRP:LON  FRP Advisory Group Plc  2.98% Other  355.4m  FRP Advisory Grp PLC - Q3 Trading Update and Dividend Declaration 
07:00  RNS  BARC:LON, IDS:LON  Barclays PLC, International Distribution Services plc  3.32% Various  Various  Barclays PLC - Form8.5(EPT/NON-RI)INTERNATI DIST SVC PLC Replace 
07:00  RNS  BARC:LON, IDS:LON  Barclays PLC, International Distribution Services plc  3.32% Various  Various  Barclays PLC - Form8.5(EPT/NON-RI)INTERNATI DIST SVC PLC Replace 
07:00  RNS  SREI:LON  Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust Ltd  -1.58% Real Estate  £244.3m  Schroder Real Estate - NAV update for the quarter to 31 December 2024 
07:00  RNS  GSK:LON  GSK plc  -1.08% Health  £58,997m  GSK PLC - GSK 5-in-1 meningitis vaccine approved by US FDA 
07:00  RNS  EPWN:LON  Epwin Group PLC  0.56% Building & Construction  £122.0m  Epwin Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  CLAI:LON  Cel AI PLC  0.00% Health  1.51m  Cel AI PLC - Changes in Board Composition - Grant of Warrants 
07:00  RNS  EVOK:LON  Evoke plc  -0.13% Leisure, Tourism & Travel  £324.1m  Evoke PLC - Notice of Results 
07:00  RNS  TEK:LON  Tekcapital Plc  14.87% Technology  £22.8m  Tekcapital plc - 2024 Review - Year End Portfolio Update 
07:00  RNS  INV:LON  Investment Co. Plc  0.00% Other  £6.58m  Investment Co PLC - Half-year Report 
07:00  RNS  TGP:LON  Tekmar Group Plc  2.25% Industrial Equipment, Goods & Services  £9.15m  Tekmar Group PLC - Appointment of Chief Operating Officer 
07:00  RNS  SEQI:LON  Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund Limited Ptg.Shs GBP  1.98% Investment Trusts  £1,202m  Sequoia Econ Infra - NAV and Investment Update 
07:00  RNS  CTL:LON  CleanTech Lithium PLC  1.85% Resources  13.7m  CleanTech Lithium - Retail Offer to Shareholders 
07:00  RNS  LEND:LON  Sancus Lending Group Limited  0.00% Other  £3.21m  Sancus Lending Group - Junior Funding Commitment 
07:00  RNS  HVO:LON  hVIVO plc  -0.55% Other  £120.8m  hVIVO PLC - £2m hMPV characterisation study contract 
07:00  RNS  RHIM:LON  RHI Magnesita NV  -0.26% Resources  £1,765m  RHI Magnesita N.V. - Notice of Results 
07:00  RNS  INSG:LON  Insig AI PLC  3.50% Leisure, Tourism & Travel  £17.4m  Insig AI Plc - New Client Win and Revenue Share Partnership 
07:00  RNS  THR:LON  Thor Energy Plc  8.33% Resources  £3.33m  Thor Energy PLC - Completion of Acquisition and TVR 
07:00  RNS  MKA:LON  Mkango Resources Ltd.  -1.09% Resources  £36.7m  Mkango Resources Ltd - Land Lease Agreement Signed in Poland 
07:00  RNS  OMI:LON  Orosur Mining Inc.  -5.80% Resources  £35.6m  Orosur Mining Inc - Orosur Completes Phase one of El Pantano JV 
07:00  RNS  HEX:LON  Helix Exploration Plc  -1.99% Resources  23.2m  Helix Exploration - ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 
07:00  RNS  HEX:LON  Helix Exploration Plc  -1.99% Resources  23.2m  Helix Exploration - ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 
07:00  RNS  RCN:LON  Redcentric Plc  -3.36% Technology  £183.4m  Redcentric PLC - Exercise of Options 
07:00  RNS  CREO:LON  Creo Medical Group Plc  -10.05% Health  £70.1m  Creo Medical Group - FY24 Trading Update 
07:00  RNS  OGN:LON  Origin Enterprises Plc  0.00% Other  €288.5m  Origin Enterprises - New five-year €440 million credit facility 
07:00  RNS  OGN:LON  Origin Enterprises Plc  0.00% Other  €288.5m  Origin Enterprises - New five-year €440 million credit facility 
07:00  RNS  ALK:LON  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62% Banks  11.7m  Alkemy Capital Invs. - Placing to raise £1.035 million 
07:00  RNS  ALK:LON  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62% Banks  11.7m  Alkemy Capital Invs. - Placing to raise £1.035 million 
07:00  RNS  ONDO:LON  Ondo Insur Tech PLC  -0.52% Banks  47.8m  Ondo InsurTech PLC - PURE expands LeakBot program 
07:00  RNS  IPO:LON  IP Group plc  -4.50% Other  £448.3m  IP Group PLC - Istesso update on P2b study of leramistat in RA 
07:00  RNS  KMK:LON  Kromek Group Plc  2.11% Health  £46.5m  Kromek Group PLC - $25m received under Siemens Healthineers agreement 
07:00  RNS  AAL:LON  Anglo American plc  0.42% Resources  £33,122m  Anglo American PLC - Anglo American update on AAP demerger 
07:00  RNS            Competition and Mkts - Merger Update: Topps Tiles / CTD 
07:00  RNS  FME:LON  Future Metals NL  3.33% Resources  £4.46m  Future Metals NL - Company Update 
07:00  RNS  WATR:LON  Water Intelligence plc  0.00% Building & Construction  £76.8m  Water Intelligence - Notice of 2024 Trading Update and Strategic Plan 
07:00  RNS  SPR:LON  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53% Real Estate  £120.1m  Springfield Props. - Springfield Signs Land Sale Agreement with Barratt 
07:00  RNS  BMV:LON  Bluebird Mining Ventures Ltd.  -8.33% Resources  £4.22m  Bluebird Mining Vnt. - Company Update 
07:00  RNS  88E:LON  88 Energy Limited  0.00% Energy  £23.9m  88 Energy Limited - Farm-out for Project Phoenix Horizontal Test Well 
07:00  RNS  KAP:LON  National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00% Resources  0m  JSC NAC Kazatomprom - KAP and Axpo Sign Contract for Uranium Supply 
07:00  RNS  LBG:LON  LBG Media Plc  -1.78% Media  230.0m  LBG Media PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  CPX:LON  CAP-XX Limited  0.00% Discretionary Personal Goods  £7.08m  CAP-XX Limited - Half-year Results 
07:00  RNS  AGR:LON  Assura PLC  8.97% Real Estate  £1,383m  USS Inv. Mgmt Ltd - Rule 2.8 Announcement 
07:00 AM
06:00  PRN            PR Newswire - Start of Day 
06:00  GNW            Start of Day Message 
06:00 AM
05:00  RNS            RNS - Test Message 
05:00  RNS            RNS - Service Notice 
Time Source Company % Chg
17:16  RNS  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
17:16  RNS  Sunrise Resources plc  0.00%
Sunrise Resources - Issue of Shares following Conversion & TVR 
17:15  RNS  O.145842805 ORBISID,O.411428816 ORBISID,O.544684411 ORBISID,O.307784320 ORBISID,O.498756884 ORBISID   
Takeover Panel - Disclosure Table 
17:00  RNS  SNOX NEX,O.154907955 ORBISID   
SulNOx Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
17:00  RNS  Unilever PLC  -0.43%
Unilever PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
17:00 PM
16:59  RNS  Leverage Shares -3x Short Alibaba ETP, Leverage Shares -3x Short Alibaba ETP, Leverage Shares -3x Short Alibaba ETP  -2.55%
Leverage Shares PLC - ETP Noteholder Meeting Notice - -3x Alibaba 
16:59  RNS  Pembroke VCT PLC Registered B  0.00%
Pembroke VCT PLC - Dividend Declaration 
16:55  GNW  Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc  0.00%
Correction: Interim Management Statement Q1 2025 
16:47  RNS  De La Rue plc  -0.84%
De La Rue PLC - Rule 2.9 Announcement 
16:45  RNS  Adriatic Metals Plc  -2.80%
16:43  RNS  Scottish American Investment Company P.L.C.  0.39%
Scot.American Inv. - Dividend Declaration 
16:42  RNS  Cobra Resources Plc  0.00%
Cobra Resources PLC - Posting of GM Notice & Proposed Rule 9 Waiver 
16:00  RNS  Tesco PLC  0.10%
Tesco PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
16:00  RNS  Vanquis Banking Group PLC  -6.60%
Vanquis Banking Grp - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
16:00  RNS  Aquis Exchange Plc  -0.35%
Aquis Exchange PLC - Directorate Change 
16:00 PM
15:52  RNS  IRSH LSE,O.159100560 ORBISID   
Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice - SOCIETE GENERALE 
15:45  RNS  Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd GBP Accum.Shs  0.00%
Oryx Int. Growth Fnd - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
15:30  RNS  Investec plc  -0.74%
Investec PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
15:28  RNS  Kerry Group Plc Class A  1.54%
Kerry Group PLC - Notice of Results and AGM 
15:28  RNS  S.C. Fondul Proprietatea SA Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00%
Fondul Proprietatea - Notification - buybacks 10 - 14 February 2025 
15:27  RNS  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.  -1.66%
Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice-BBVA 
15:05  RNS  Old Mutual Ltd.  0.00%
15:04  PRN  Manchester & London Investment Trust PLC  -0.56%
Manchester & London Investment Trust Plc - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
15:03  RNS     
ING Bank N.V. London - Post stabilisation Notice ING Groep 
15:00  RNS  British Land Company PLC  -0.48%
British Land Co PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
15:00  RNS  O.001786460 ORBISID   
General Atomics - General Atomics and EDGE Establish Partnership 
15:00 PM
14:37  RNS  discoverIE Group PLC  -1.19%
discoverIE Group plc - Notification of Major Holdings 
14:32  RNS  Shearwater Group plc  0.00%
Shearwater Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:32  RNS  Diageo plc  0.27%
Diageo PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:30  RNS  Sirius Real Estate Limited  -0.63%
Sirius Real Estate - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:28  RNS  50AS LSE   
14:26  RNS  50AS LSE   
Westpac Banking. - Pillar 3 Report 
14:25  RNS  50AS LSE   
Westpac Banking. - 1st Quarter Results 
14:18  RNS  Xeros Technology Group Plc  -1.92%
Xeros Tech Grp plc - TR-1 Spreadex 
14:09  PRN  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC GBP  -0.16%
BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc - Result of Meeting 
14:03  RNS  Mony Group PLC  4.63%
Mony Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:00 PM
13:56  RNS  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
13:55  RNS  50AS LSE   
Westpac Banking. - Publication of Suppl.Prospcts 
13:55  RNS  50AS LSE,O.078343190 ORBISID,O.149508587 ORBISID   
Westpac Banking. - Publication of Suppl.Prospcts 
13:49  RNS  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
13:25  RNS  O.083236703 ORBISID   
iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:21  RNS  O.083236703 ORBISID   
iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:19  RNS  O.083236703 ORBISID   
iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:11  RNS  Taylor Maritime Limited, Taylor Maritime Limited  0.00%
Taylor Maritime - Dividend Currency Election 
13:08  RNS  O.073577792 ORBISID   
13:05  RNS  TTM LSE,AABKF OTC-PINK,O.007762079 ORBISID,O.322701140 ORBISID,O.387822358 ORBISID,O.000754667 ORBISID,O.006754205 ORBISID   
Morgan StanleyEurope - Stabilisation Notice 
13:02  RNS  O.322701140 ORBISID,O.011383683 ORBISID   
Morgan StanleyEurope - Stabilisation Notice 
13:00  RNS  Physiomics Plc  0.00%
Physiomics PLC - Result of WRAP Retail Offer 
13:00  RNS  easyJet plc  0.96%
easyJet PLC - Publication of a Prospectus 
13:00 PM
12:59  RNS  abrdn Equity Income Trust plc GBP  1.81%
abrdn Equity Income - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust PLC  0.70%
Dunedin Inc.Growth - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  abrdn Asian Income Fund Limited  0.67%
abrdn Asian IncFd - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  Murray International Trust PLC  0.36%
Murray Intnl Trust - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  Murray Income Trust PLC  0.00%
Murray Inc Trust PLC - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  abrdn New India Investment Trust plc GBP  -0.54%
abrdn New India IT. - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  abrdn Asia Focus plc  0.00%
abrdn Asia Focus plc - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  Shires Income PLC GBP  0.60%
Shires Income PLC - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  RNS  abrdn UK Smaller Companies Growth Trust PLC GBP  0.39%
abrdn UK Smaller Cos - Gearing disclosure 
12:56  RNS  Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC  0.18%
Xtrackers ETC PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
12:51  RNS     
abrdn Inv. Trusts - Gearing disclosure 
12:47  RNS  SANB LSE,O.016853240 ORBISID   
Santander UK Plc - Notice of Early Redemption Series 1244 
12:45  PRN  Blackrock Latin American Investment Trust PLC  1.56%
BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust Plc - Mandatory closed period - Compliance with MAR 
12:45  RNS  SANB LSE,O.016853240 ORBISID   
Santander UK Plc - Notice of Early Redemption Series 1217 and 1218 
12:38  RNS  76FQ LSE,O.036039681 ORBISID,O.379258591 ORBISID   
LiveWest Treasury - Publication of Pricing Supplement 
12:31  RNS  NBSR LSE,O.135670024 ORBISID   
NewcastleBuildingSoc - Resignation of Chief Financial Officer 
12:28  GNW  Foresight VCT plc  0.00%
Issue of Equity 
12:21  RNS  Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC  0.18%
Xtrackers ETC PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
12:16  RNS  Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Sponsored GDR Pfd, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Sponsored GDR  0.00%
Samsung Electronics - Report on Share Repurchase Results 
12:13  RNS  JPMorgan European Discovery Trust plc  0.31%
JPMorgan Euro Discov - Gearing announcement 
12:11  RNS  JPMorgan China Growth & Income PLC  2.61%
JPMorgan China G&I - Gearing announcement 
12:11  RNS  JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust PLC  0.72%
JPMorgan Indian Inv - Gearing announcement 
12:11  RNS  JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.78%
JPMorgan Asia G&I - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust  1.49%
JPMorgan Japanese IT - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JPMorgan Global Emerging Markets Income Trust PLC GBP  1.84%
JPMorgan Global E.M. - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JPMorgan UK Small Cap Growth & Income plc GBP  -0.32%
JPMorgan UK Sml Cap - Gearing announcement 
12:10  RNS  JPMorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust PLC  1.07%
JPMorgan Emerg Mkts - Gearing announcement 
12:09  RNS  Mercantile Investment Trust PLC  0.61%
Mercantile Inv Tst - Gearing announcement 
12:09  RNS  JPMorgan Chase & Co, JPMorgan Global Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Gearing announcement 
12:09  RNS  JEGI LSE,O.003911057 ORBISID   
JPMorgan EuroG&I PLC - Gearing announcement 
12:08  RNS  JPMorgan American Investment Trust Plc  0.00%
JPMorgan Amer InvTst - Gearing announcement 
12:08  RNS  JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust PLC  0.81%
JPMorgan Claver IT - Gearing announcement 
12:08  RNS  JPMorgan US Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC GBP  -0.41%
JPMorganUS Small Cos - Gearing announcement 
12:03  RNS     
JPMorgan Inv. Trusts - Gearing announcement 
12:00 AM
11:59  RNS  Sanderson Design Group PLC  -0.19%
Sanderson Design Grp - Notification of Director Share Ownership 
11:58  RNS  RELX PLC  -0.61%
RELX PLC - Additional Listing 
11:47  RNS  Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc  1.03%
Schroder AsianTR Inv - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
11:43  RNS  Barclays PLC, International Distribution Services plc  3.32%
Barclays PLC - Form8.5EPT/NonRIInternationalDistributionSvcsPLC 
11:34  RNS  Fuel Ventures Vct PLC  0.00%
Fuel Ventures VCT - Publication of a Prospectus & Notice of GM 
11:30  RNS  American Axle & Manufact., Barclays PLC  0.00%
11:30  RNS  Hargreaves Lansdown plc  -0.09%
Hargreaves Lansdown - Director Declaration 
11:22  RNS  Pennpetro Energy Plc  0.00%
Pennpetro Energy PLC - Adjournment of Annual General Meeting 
11:17  RNS  19LP LSE,O.391807171 ORBISID,O.004310856 ORBISID   
11:15  RNS  72YE LSE,O.012117005 ORBISID,O.004310856 ORBISID,O.318492208 ORBISID   
11:07  RNS  Xeros Technology Group Plc  -1.92%
Xeros Tech Grp plc - TR-1 First Equity 
11:00 AM
10:32  RNS  KraneShares MSCI China Clean Technology Index UCITS ETF USD AccumUSD  -1.66%
KraneS China Clean $ - KraneShrsMSCI China Clean Tech UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:31  RNS  KraneShares ICBCCS S&P China 500 UCITS ETF  0.00%
KraneS ICBCCS S&P $ - KraneShares ICBCCS S&P China500 UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:31  RNS  KraneShares ICBCCS SSE STAR Market 50 Index UCITS ETF USD  0.00%
KraneS ICBCCS SSE S$ - KraneShrsICBCCSSSEStrMrket50Idx UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:29  RNS  KraneShares Electric Vehicles & Future Mobility ESG Screened UCITS ETF AccumUSD  0.00%
KraneS Elec Veh Fut$ - KraneShrsMSCI Electric Vehicle UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:27  RNS  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF AccumGBP  2.51%
KraneS CSI China GBP - KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF GBP 14.02.25 
10:27  RNS  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF EUR  1.45%
KraneS CSI China Eur - KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF EUR 14.02.25 
10:26  RNS  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF  1.02%
KraneS CSI China Int - KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:25  RNS  IRSH LSE   
KraneShares ICAV - KraneShares ICAV 14.02.25 
10:24  RNS     
Mirae Asset ETF ICAV - Global X ETF ICAV 14.02.2025 
10:00 AM
09:51  RNS  Empyrean Energy PLC  -3.33%
Empyrean Energy PLC - Wilson River-1 well update 
09:50  RNS  Geiger Counter Limited  -3.22%
Geiger Counter Ltd - Share BuyBack 
09:47  RNS  Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust PLC  0.70%
Dunedin Inc.Growth - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
09:42  RNS  O.060292805 ORBISID,O.001001484 ORBISID,O.006754205 ORBISID   
J.P. Morgan SE - Stabilisation Notice 
09:41  RNS  Aurora UK Alpha plc  0.97%
Aurora UK Alpha PLC - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
09:38  RNS  International Distribution Services plc  0.00%
BkofA Merrill Lynch - 20250214_INT DIS SERVICES_8.5 EPT RI_UK_MLI 
09:36  RNS  International Distribution Services plc  0.00%
BkofA Merrill Lynch - 20250214_INT DIS SERVICES_8.5 EPT NON-RI_UK_BOFASE 
09:28  RNS  Montanaro UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC  -0.46%
Montanaro UK SmlrCos - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
09:22  RNS  Coca-Cola HBC AG  2.25%
Coca-Cola HBC AG - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
09:05  RNS  Lloyds Banking Group plc  -1.93%
HBOS PLC - Notification of Redemption 
09:04  RNS  O.004356193 ORBISID,O.262377752 ORBISID   
Infex Therapeutics - £1 million grant from PACE 
09:00 AM
08:52  PRN  Oxford Instruments plc  -0.24%
Oxford Instruments Plc - Directorate Change 
08:47  RNS  Assura PLC  8.97%
Kohlberg Kravis R. - Possible Offer for Assura plc 
08:46  RNS  Lloyds Banking Group plc  -1.93%
Lloyds Banking Group - Notification of Redemption 
08:36  RNS  RBG Holdings Plc  0.00%
RBG Holdings PLC - Update on Intention to Appoint Administrators 
08:30  RNS  South32 Ltd.  1.08%
South32 Limited - Change of Director's Interest Notice 
08:29  RNS  O.322411200 ORBISID   
Deutsche Bank AG FF - Pre-Stabilisation Notice 
08:27  RNS  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62%
Alkemy Capital Invs. - Replacement: Subscription to raise £0.75 million 
08:22  RNS  South32 Ltd.  1.08%
South32 Limited - Notification of Dealing Form 
08:05  PRN  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24%
Petra Diamonds Ltd - H1 FY 2025 Interim Results (correction to title) 
08:00  RNS  O.060788036 ORBISID,O.046812793 ORBISID   
Official List - Removal - Japan Finance Organization for Municipal 
08:00  RNS  O.072133317 ORBISID,O.143412420 ORBISID   
Stock Exch Notice - Admission to Trading - 17/02/2025 
08:00  RNS     
AIM - AIM Notice - 17/02/2025 
08:00  RNS     
Stock Exch Notice - Admission to ISM - 17/02/2025 
08:00  RNS  63PP LSE,O.060788036 ORBISID   
Stock Exch Notice - Cancellation - JAPAN FIN ORG FOR MUNICIPALITIES 
08:00  RNS  O.072133317 ORBISID,O.143412420 ORBISID,O.046812793 ORBISID   
Official List - Official List Notice 
08:00 AM
07:56  RNS  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.  -1.66%
Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice- BBVA 
07:45  RNS  O.145842805 ORBISID,O.411428816 ORBISID,O.544684411 ORBISID,O.307784320 ORBISID,O.498756884 ORBISID   
Takeover Panel - Disclosure Table 
07:37  RNS  Topps Tiles Plc  0.00%
Topps Tiles - CTD Tiles acquisition CMA phase 1 decision 
07:34  RNS  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53%
Springfield Props. - Progressive publishes new research 
07:30  RNS     
AIM - Restoration- Europa Metals Ltd 
07:19  RNS  SE77 LSE   
Australia & NZ Bank. - Redemption of outstanding ANZ Capital Notes 5 
07:08  RNS  East Star Resources PLC  -14.81%
East Star Resources - VMS Copper Drilling Results 
07:05  RNS  Assura PLC  8.97%
Kohlberg Kravis R. - Possible Offer for Assura plc 
07:01  RNS  Future Metals NL  3.33%
Future Metals NL - ASX Price Query Response 
07:01  RNS  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53%
Springfield Props. - Interim Results 
07:00  PRN  Blackrock Greater Europe Investment Trust PLC  0.48%
BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust plc  0.00%
BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC GBP  -0.16%
BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  Acuity RM Group PLC Registered  0.00%
Acuity RM Group Plc - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  PRN  Blackrock Smaller Companies Trust PLC  0.00%
BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  BlackRock American Income Trust plc GBP  -0.94%
BlackRock American Income Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  PRN  Temple Bar Investment Trust PLC GBP  1.03%
Temple Bar Investment Trust Plc - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
07:00  PRN  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24%
Petra Diamonds Ltd - Director Change 
07:00  PRN  TAP NEX,QTZ NEX,O.046123986 ORBISID   
Tap Global Group Plc - Placing to Raise £1 Million 
07:00  PRN  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24%
Petra Diamonds Ltd - H1 FY 2024 Interim results 
07:00  GNW  Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc  0.00%
Interim Management Statement Q1 2025 
07:00  RNS  71XK LSE,O.001051588 ORBISID,O.203719334 ORBISID   
JPMorgan Chase & Co - JPMC&Co. 10-K (2025) 
07:00  RNS  O.060526886 ORBISID,O.129610417 ORBISID   
Nomura Fin. Prducts - Post-Stab Notice - CCDJ GBP 600M 15.01.2025 
07:00  RNS  BR47 LSE   
Binghatti Sukuk SPC - Annual Financial Report 2024 
07:00  RNS  Europa Metals Limited  -20.00%
Europa Metals Ltd - Viridian Metals Transaction Update 
07:00  RNS  XP Factory PLC  0.00%
XP Factory PLC - Reduction of Capital, Circular & Notice of GM 
07:00  RNS  Fevertree Drinks PLC  1.83%
Fevertree Drinks PLC - Commencement of share buyback programme 
07:00  RNS  Wilmington plc  -7.83%
Wilmington PLC - Half-year Report 
07:00  RNS  Empire Metals Limited  3.88%
Empire Metals Ltd - Major Drilling Campaign to Commence at Pitfield 
07:00  RNS  Nexxen International Ltd.  0.00%
AIM - Cancellation - Nexxen International Limited 
07:00  RNS  Proton Motor Power Systems Plc  0.00%
07:00  RNS  Allergy Therapeutics plc  9.93%
Allergy Therapeutics - Grass MATA MPL Phase III data published in Allergy 
07:00  RNS  Touchstar plc  2.85%
Touchstar PLC - Trading Update & Conclusion of Strategic Review 
07:00  RNS  41CO LSE,83WO LSE,O.065840666 ORBISID   
Kommunal Landspensj - Fourth Quarter Results 
07:00  RNS  Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC Sponsored GDR 144A, Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00%
JSC Halyk Bank - Transaction in Own Securities 
07:00  RNS  River UK Micro Cap Limited  0.00%
River UK Micro Cap - Notice of AGM 
07:00  RNS  ITM Power PLC  -4.32%
ITM Power PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  Phoenix Spree Deutschland Fund  -2.14%
Phoenix SpreeDeutsch - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
07:00  RNS  EDX NEX,O.504998476 ORBISID,O.049065076 ORBISID,O.491940468 ORBISID,O.200263449 ORBISID   
EDX Medical Group - EDX develops new ‘super test’ for prostate cancer 
07:00  RNS  Sound Energy plc  -3.12%
Sound Energy PLC - Change of Adviser 
07:00  RNS  Sound Energy plc  -3.12%
Sound Energy PLC - Change of Adviser 
07:00  RNS  Helical plc  0.00%
Helical PLC - Appointment of Group Company Secretary 
07:00  RNS  Hercules Site Services Plc  5.76%
Hercules Site Svcs - PCA Dealing 
07:00  RNS  abrdn European Logistics Income PLC  0.00%
abrdn Euro Logistics - Fourth Interim Distribution 
07:00  RNS  World Chess PLC  0.00%
World Chess PLC - Board Changes 
07:00  RNS  World Chess PLC  0.00%
World Chess PLC - Board Changes 
07:00  RNS  Fair Oaks Income Limited 2021 Shs USD, Fair Oaks Income Limited Realisation USD  0.00%
Fair Oaks Income Ltd - Return of Capital to Realisation Shareholders 
07:00  RNS  RTW Biotech Opportunities Ltd USD  0.00%
RTW Biotech Opp. - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  Coral Products plc  -2.17%
Coral Products PLC - Completion of Property Sale and Directorate Change 
07:00  RNS  Auction Technology Group PLC  -1.19%
Auction Technology - Debt Refinance 
07:00  RNS  Scancell Holdings Plc  -3.26%
Scancell Hlds - Scancell presenting at AACR IO conference 
07:00  RNS  Mony Group PLC  4.63%
Mony Group PLC - Commencement of Share Buyback 
07:00  RNS  Mony Group PLC  4.63%
Mony Group PLC - Preliminary Results 
07:00  RNS  Oxford BioMedica plc  -0.25%
Oxford Biomedica PLC - Full Year Trading Update and Notice of Results 
07:00  RNS  Ebiquity Plc  3.21%
Ebiquity PLC - Appointment of NOMAD and Trading Update 
07:00  RNS  FRP Advisory Group Plc  2.98%
FRP Advisory Grp PLC - Q3 Trading Update and Dividend Declaration 
07:00  RNS  Barclays PLC, International Distribution Services plc  3.32%
07:00  RNS  Barclays PLC, International Distribution Services plc  3.32%
07:00  RNS  Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust Ltd  -1.58%
Schroder Real Estate - NAV update for the quarter to 31 December 2024 
07:00  RNS  GSK plc  -1.08%
GSK PLC - GSK 5-in-1 meningitis vaccine approved by US FDA 
07:00  RNS  Epwin Group PLC  0.56%
Epwin Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  Cel AI PLC  0.00%
Cel AI PLC - Changes in Board Composition - Grant of Warrants 
07:00  RNS  Evoke plc  -0.13%
Evoke PLC - Notice of Results 
07:00  RNS  Tekcapital Plc  14.87%
Tekcapital plc - 2024 Review - Year End Portfolio Update 
07:00  RNS  Investment Co. Plc  0.00%
Investment Co PLC - Half-year Report 
07:00  RNS  Tekmar Group Plc  2.25%
Tekmar Group PLC - Appointment of Chief Operating Officer 
07:00  RNS  Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund Limited Ptg.Shs GBP  1.98%
Sequoia Econ Infra - NAV and Investment Update 
07:00  RNS  CleanTech Lithium PLC  1.85%
CleanTech Lithium - Retail Offer to Shareholders 
07:00  RNS  Sancus Lending Group Limited  0.00%
Sancus Lending Group - Junior Funding Commitment 
07:00  RNS  hVIVO plc  -0.55%
hVIVO PLC - £2m hMPV characterisation study contract 
07:00  RNS  RHI Magnesita NV  -0.26%
RHI Magnesita N.V. - Notice of Results 
07:00  RNS  Insig AI PLC  3.50%
Insig AI Plc - New Client Win and Revenue Share Partnership 
07:00  RNS  Thor Energy Plc  8.33%
Thor Energy PLC - Completion of Acquisition and TVR 
07:00  RNS  Mkango Resources Ltd.  -1.09%
Mkango Resources Ltd - Land Lease Agreement Signed in Poland 
07:00  RNS  Orosur Mining Inc.  -5.80%
Orosur Mining Inc - Orosur Completes Phase one of El Pantano JV 
07:00  RNS  Helix Exploration Plc  -1.99%
07:00  RNS  Helix Exploration Plc  -1.99%
07:00  RNS  Redcentric Plc  -3.36%
Redcentric PLC - Exercise of Options 
07:00  RNS  Creo Medical Group Plc  -10.05%
Creo Medical Group - FY24 Trading Update 
07:00  RNS  Origin Enterprises Plc  0.00%
Origin Enterprises - New five-year €440 million credit facility 
07:00  RNS  Origin Enterprises Plc  0.00%
Origin Enterprises - New five-year €440 million credit facility 
07:00  RNS  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62%
Alkemy Capital Invs. - Placing to raise £1.035 million 
07:00  RNS  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62%
Alkemy Capital Invs. - Placing to raise £1.035 million 
07:00  RNS  Ondo Insur Tech PLC  -0.52%
Ondo InsurTech PLC - PURE expands LeakBot program 
07:00  RNS  IP Group plc  -4.50%
IP Group PLC - Istesso update on P2b study of leramistat in RA 
07:00  RNS  Kromek Group Plc  2.11%
Kromek Group PLC - $25m received under Siemens Healthineers agreement 
07:00  RNS  Anglo American plc  0.42%
Anglo American PLC - Anglo American update on AAP demerger 
07:00  RNS  CMA LSE   
Competition and Mkts - Merger Update: Topps Tiles / CTD 
07:00  RNS  Future Metals NL  3.33%
Future Metals NL - Company Update 
07:00  RNS  Water Intelligence plc  0.00%
Water Intelligence - Notice of 2024 Trading Update and Strategic Plan 
07:00  RNS  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53%
Springfield Props. - Springfield Signs Land Sale Agreement with Barratt 
07:00  RNS  Bluebird Mining Ventures Ltd.  -8.33%
Bluebird Mining Vnt. - Company Update 
07:00  RNS  88 Energy Limited  0.00%
88 Energy Limited - Farm-out for Project Phoenix Horizontal Test Well 
07:00  RNS  National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00%
JSC NAC Kazatomprom - KAP and Axpo Sign Contract for Uranium Supply 
07:00  RNS  LBG Media Plc  -1.78%
LBG Media PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  RNS  CAP-XX Limited  0.00%
CAP-XX Limited - Half-year Results 
07:00  RNS  Assura PLC  8.97%
USS Inv. Mgmt Ltd - Rule 2.8 Announcement 
07:00 AM
06:00  PRN     
PR Newswire - Start of Day 
06:00  GNW  O.000510878 ORBISID,O.000711800 ORBISID,O.004166074 ORBISID   
Start of Day Message 
06:00 AM
05:00  RNS     
RNS - Test Message 
05:00  RNS  O.004199180 ORBISID   
RNS - Service Notice 
Time Company % Chg
17:16  JGGI LSE,JPM NYSE,JPM NEO,O.000309486 ORBISID,O.003899394 ORBISID,O.004166074 ORBISID  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
17:16  Sunrise Resources plc  0.00%
Sunrise Resources - Issue of Shares following Conversion & TVR 
17:15  O.145842805 ORBISID,O.411428816 ORBISID,O.544684411 ORBISID,O.307784320 ORBISID,O.498756884 ORBISID   
Takeover Panel - Disclosure Table 
17:00  SNOX NEX,O.154907955 ORBISID   
SulNOx Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
17:00  Unilever PLC  -0.43%
Unilever PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
17:00 PM
16:59  SBA3 LSE,BA3S LSE,3SBE LSE,SBA3 Frankfurt,O.193170746 ORBISID,O.015797056 ORBISID  -2.55%
Leverage Shares PLC - ETP Noteholder Meeting Notice - -3x Alibaba 
16:59  Pembroke VCT PLC Registered B  0.00%
Pembroke VCT PLC - Dividend Declaration 
16:55  Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc  0.00%
Correction: Interim Management Statement Q1 2025 
16:47  De La Rue plc  -0.84%
De La Rue PLC - Rule 2.9 Announcement 
16:45  Adriatic Metals Plc  -2.80%
16:43  Scottish American Investment Company P.L.C.  0.39%
Scot.American Inv. - Dividend Declaration 
16:42  Cobra Resources Plc  0.00%
Cobra Resources PLC - Posting of GM Notice & Proposed Rule 9 Waiver 
16:00  Tesco PLC  0.10%
Tesco PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
16:00  Vanquis Banking Group PLC  -6.60%
Vanquis Banking Grp - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
16:00  Aquis Exchange Plc  -0.35%
Aquis Exchange PLC - Directorate Change 
16:00 PM
15:52  IRSH LSE,O.159100560 ORBISID   
Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice - SOCIETE GENERALE 
15:45  Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd GBP Accum.Shs  0.00%
Oryx Int. Growth Fnd - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
15:30  Investec plc  -0.74%
Investec PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
15:28  Kerry Group Plc Class A  1.54%
Kerry Group PLC - Notice of Results and AGM 
15:28  S.C. Fondul Proprietatea SA Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00%
Fondul Proprietatea - Notification - buybacks 10 - 14 February 2025 
15:27  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.  -1.66%
Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice-BBVA 
15:05  Old Mutual Ltd.  0.00%
15:04  Manchester & London Investment Trust PLC  -0.56%
Manchester & London Investment Trust Plc - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
ING Bank N.V. London - Post stabilisation Notice ING Groep 
15:00  British Land Company PLC  -0.48%
British Land Co PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
15:00  O.001786460 ORBISID   
General Atomics - General Atomics and EDGE Establish Partnership 
15:00 PM
14:37  discoverIE Group PLC  -1.19%
discoverIE Group plc - Notification of Major Holdings 
14:32  Shearwater Group plc  0.00%
Shearwater Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:32  Diageo plc  0.27%
Diageo PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:30  Sirius Real Estate Limited  -0.63%
Sirius Real Estate - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:28  50AS LSE   
14:26  50AS LSE   
Westpac Banking. - Pillar 3 Report 
14:25  50AS LSE   
Westpac Banking. - 1st Quarter Results 
14:18  Xeros Technology Group Plc  -1.92%
Xeros Tech Grp plc - TR-1 Spreadex 
14:09  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC GBP  -0.16%
BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc - Result of Meeting 
14:03  Mony Group PLC  4.63%
Mony Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
14:00 PM
13:56  JGGI LSE,JPM NYSE,JPM NEO,O.000309486 ORBISID,O.003899394 ORBISID,O.004166074 ORBISID  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
13:55  50AS LSE   
Westpac Banking. - Publication of Suppl.Prospcts 
13:55  50AS LSE,O.078343190 ORBISID,O.149508587 ORBISID   
Westpac Banking. - Publication of Suppl.Prospcts 
13:49  JGGI LSE,JPM NYSE,JPM NEO,O.000309486 ORBISID,O.003899394 ORBISID,O.004166074 ORBISID  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Issue of Equity 
13:25  O.083236703 ORBISID   
iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:21  O.083236703 ORBISID   
iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:19  O.083236703 ORBISID   
iShares Physical - Publication of Final Terms 
13:11  TMIP LSE,TMI LSE,O.506606649 ORBISID,O.004177992 ORBISID  0.00%
Taylor Maritime - Dividend Currency Election 
13:08  O.073577792 ORBISID   
13:05  TTM LSE,AABKF OTC-PINK,O.007762079 ORBISID,O.322701140 ORBISID,O.387822358 ORBISID,O.000754667 ORBISID,O.006754205 ORBISID   
Morgan StanleyEurope - Stabilisation Notice 
13:02  O.322701140 ORBISID,O.011383683 ORBISID   
Morgan StanleyEurope - Stabilisation Notice 
13:00  Physiomics Plc  0.00%
Physiomics PLC - Result of WRAP Retail Offer 
13:00  easyJet plc  0.96%
easyJet PLC - Publication of a Prospectus 
13:00 PM
12:59  abrdn Equity Income Trust plc GBP  1.81%
abrdn Equity Income - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust PLC  0.70%
Dunedin Inc.Growth - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  abrdn Asian Income Fund Limited  0.67%
abrdn Asian IncFd - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  Murray International Trust PLC  0.36%
Murray Intnl Trust - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  Murray Income Trust PLC  0.00%
Murray Inc Trust PLC - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  abrdn New India Investment Trust plc GBP  -0.54%
abrdn New India IT. - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  abrdn Asia Focus plc  0.00%
abrdn Asia Focus plc - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  Shires Income PLC GBP  0.60%
Shires Income PLC - Gearing disclosure 
12:59  abrdn UK Smaller Companies Growth Trust PLC GBP  0.39%
abrdn UK Smaller Cos - Gearing disclosure 
12:56  Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC  0.18%
Xtrackers ETC PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
abrdn Inv. Trusts - Gearing disclosure 
12:47  SANB LSE,O.016853240 ORBISID   
Santander UK Plc - Notice of Early Redemption Series 1244 
12:45  Blackrock Latin American Investment Trust PLC  1.56%
BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust Plc - Mandatory closed period - Compliance with MAR 
12:45  SANB LSE,O.016853240 ORBISID   
Santander UK Plc - Notice of Early Redemption Series 1217 and 1218 
12:38  76FQ LSE,O.036039681 ORBISID,O.379258591 ORBISID   
LiveWest Treasury - Publication of Pricing Supplement 
12:31  NBSR LSE,O.135670024 ORBISID   
NewcastleBuildingSoc - Resignation of Chief Financial Officer 
12:28  Foresight VCT plc  0.00%
Issue of Equity 
12:21  Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC  0.18%
Xtrackers ETC PLC - Publication of Final Terms 
12:16  SMSD LSE,SMSN LSE,SSNHZ OTC-PINK,005930 Korea,O.006529401 ORBISID  0.00%
Samsung Electronics - Report on Share Repurchase Results 
12:13  JPMorgan European Discovery Trust plc  0.31%
JPMorgan Euro Discov - Gearing announcement 
12:11  JPMorgan China Growth & Income PLC  2.61%
JPMorgan China G&I - Gearing announcement 
12:11  JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust PLC  0.72%
JPMorgan Indian Inv - Gearing announcement 
12:11  JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income PLC GBP  0.78%
JPMorgan Asia G&I - Gearing announcement 
12:10  JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust  1.49%
JPMorgan Japanese IT - Gearing announcement 
12:10  JPMorgan Global Emerging Markets Income Trust PLC GBP  1.84%
JPMorgan Global E.M. - Gearing announcement 
12:10  JPMorgan UK Small Cap Growth & Income plc GBP  -0.32%
JPMorgan UK Sml Cap - Gearing announcement 
12:10  JPMorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust PLC  1.07%
JPMorgan Emerg Mkts - Gearing announcement 
12:09  Mercantile Investment Trust PLC  0.61%
Mercantile Inv Tst - Gearing announcement 
12:09  JGGI LSE,JPM NYSE,JPM NEO,O.000309486 ORBISID,O.003899394 ORBISID  0.00%
JPMorgan Global - Gearing announcement 
12:09  JEGI LSE,O.003911057 ORBISID   
JPMorgan EuroG&I PLC - Gearing announcement 
12:08  JPMorgan American Investment Trust Plc  0.00%
JPMorgan Amer InvTst - Gearing announcement 
12:08  JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust PLC  0.81%
JPMorgan Claver IT - Gearing announcement 
12:08  JPMorgan US Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC GBP  -0.41%
JPMorganUS Small Cos - Gearing announcement 
JPMorgan Inv. Trusts - Gearing announcement 
12:00 AM
11:59  Sanderson Design Group PLC  -0.19%
Sanderson Design Grp - Notification of Director Share Ownership 
11:58  RELX PLC  -0.61%
RELX PLC - Additional Listing 
11:47  Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc  1.03%
Schroder AsianTR Inv - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
11:43  BARC LSE,IDS LSE,BCS NYSE,O.009161929 ORBISID,O.160770263 ORBISID,O.413314652 ORBISID  3.32%
Barclays PLC - Form8.5EPT/NonRIInternationalDistributionSvcsPLC 
11:34  Fuel Ventures Vct PLC  0.00%
Fuel Ventures VCT - Publication of a Prospectus & Notice of GM 
11:30  BARC LSE,TTM LSE,AXL NYSE,BCS NYSE,O.009161929 ORBISID,O.000298852 ORBISID,O.413314652 ORBISID  0.00%
11:30  Hargreaves Lansdown plc  -0.09%
Hargreaves Lansdown - Director Declaration 
11:22  Pennpetro Energy Plc  0.00%
Pennpetro Energy PLC - Adjournment of Annual General Meeting 
11:17  19LP LSE,O.391807171 ORBISID,O.004310856 ORBISID   
11:15  72YE LSE,O.012117005 ORBISID,O.004310856 ORBISID,O.318492208 ORBISID   
11:07  Xeros Technology Group Plc  -1.92%
Xeros Tech Grp plc - TR-1 First Equity 
11:00 AM
10:32  KraneShares MSCI China Clean Technology Index UCITS ETF USD AccumUSD  -1.66%
KraneS China Clean $ - KraneShrsMSCI China Clean Tech UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:31  KraneShares ICBCCS S&P China 500 UCITS ETF  0.00%
KraneS ICBCCS S&P $ - KraneShares ICBCCS S&P China500 UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:31  KraneShares ICBCCS SSE STAR Market 50 Index UCITS ETF USD  0.00%
KraneS ICBCCS SSE S$ - KraneShrsICBCCSSSEStrMrket50Idx UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:29  KraneShares Electric Vehicles & Future Mobility ESG Screened UCITS ETF AccumUSD  0.00%
KraneS Elec Veh Fut$ - KraneShrsMSCI Electric Vehicle UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:27  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF AccumGBP  2.51%
KraneS CSI China GBP - KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF GBP 14.02.25 
10:27  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF EUR  1.45%
KraneS CSI China Eur - KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF EUR 14.02.25 
10:26  KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF  1.02%
KraneS CSI China Int - KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF 14.02.25 
10:25  IRSH LSE   
KraneShares ICAV - KraneShares ICAV 14.02.25 
Mirae Asset ETF ICAV - Global X ETF ICAV 14.02.2025 
10:00 AM
09:51  Empyrean Energy PLC  -3.33%
Empyrean Energy PLC - Wilson River-1 well update 
09:50  Geiger Counter Limited  -3.22%
Geiger Counter Ltd - Share BuyBack 
09:47  Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust PLC  0.70%
Dunedin Inc.Growth - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
09:42  O.060292805 ORBISID,O.001001484 ORBISID,O.006754205 ORBISID   
J.P. Morgan SE - Stabilisation Notice 
09:41  Aurora UK Alpha plc  0.97%
Aurora UK Alpha PLC - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
09:38  International Distribution Services plc  0.00%
BkofA Merrill Lynch - 20250214_INT DIS SERVICES_8.5 EPT RI_UK_MLI 
09:36  International Distribution Services plc  0.00%
BkofA Merrill Lynch - 20250214_INT DIS SERVICES_8.5 EPT NON-RI_UK_BOFASE 
09:28  Montanaro UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC  -0.46%
Montanaro UK SmlrCos - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
09:22  Coca-Cola HBC AG  2.25%
Coca-Cola HBC AG - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
09:05  Lloyds Banking Group plc  -1.93%
HBOS PLC - Notification of Redemption 
09:04  O.004356193 ORBISID,O.262377752 ORBISID   
Infex Therapeutics - £1 million grant from PACE 
09:00 AM
08:52  Oxford Instruments plc  -0.24%
Oxford Instruments Plc - Directorate Change 
08:47  Assura PLC  8.97%
Kohlberg Kravis R. - Possible Offer for Assura plc 
08:46  Lloyds Banking Group plc  -1.93%
Lloyds Banking Group - Notification of Redemption 
08:36  RBG Holdings Plc  0.00%
RBG Holdings PLC - Update on Intention to Appoint Administrators 
08:30  South32 Ltd.  1.08%
South32 Limited - Change of Director's Interest Notice 
08:29  O.322411200 ORBISID   
Deutsche Bank AG FF - Pre-Stabilisation Notice 
08:27  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62%
Alkemy Capital Invs. - Replacement: Subscription to raise £0.75 million 
08:22  South32 Ltd.  1.08%
South32 Limited - Notification of Dealing Form 
08:05  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24%
Petra Diamonds Ltd - H1 FY 2025 Interim Results (correction to title) 
08:00  O.060788036 ORBISID,O.046812793 ORBISID   
Official List - Removal - Japan Finance Organization for Municipal 
08:00  O.072133317 ORBISID,O.143412420 ORBISID   
Stock Exch Notice - Admission to Trading - 17/02/2025 
AIM - AIM Notice - 17/02/2025 
Stock Exch Notice - Admission to ISM - 17/02/2025 
08:00  63PP LSE,O.060788036 ORBISID   
Stock Exch Notice - Cancellation - JAPAN FIN ORG FOR MUNICIPALITIES 
08:00  O.072133317 ORBISID,O.143412420 ORBISID,O.046812793 ORBISID   
Official List - Official List Notice 
08:00 AM
07:56  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.  -1.66%
Societe Generale SA - Stabilisation Notice- BBVA 
07:45  O.145842805 ORBISID,O.411428816 ORBISID,O.544684411 ORBISID,O.307784320 ORBISID,O.498756884 ORBISID   
Takeover Panel - Disclosure Table 
07:37  Topps Tiles Plc  0.00%
Topps Tiles - CTD Tiles acquisition CMA phase 1 decision 
07:34  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53%
Springfield Props. - Progressive publishes new research 
AIM - Restoration- Europa Metals Ltd 
07:19  SE77 LSE   
Australia & NZ Bank. - Redemption of outstanding ANZ Capital Notes 5 
07:08  East Star Resources PLC  -14.81%
East Star Resources - VMS Copper Drilling Results 
07:05  Assura PLC  8.97%
Kohlberg Kravis R. - Possible Offer for Assura plc 
07:01  Future Metals NL  3.33%
Future Metals NL - ASX Price Query Response 
07:01  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53%
Springfield Props. - Interim Results 
07:00  Blackrock Greater Europe Investment Trust PLC  0.48%
BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust plc  0.00%
BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC GBP  -0.16%
BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  Acuity RM Group PLC Registered  0.00%
Acuity RM Group Plc - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  Blackrock Smaller Companies Trust PLC  0.00%
BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  BlackRock American Income Trust plc GBP  -0.94%
BlackRock American Income Trust Plc - Total Voting Rights 
07:00  Temple Bar Investment Trust PLC GBP  1.03%
Temple Bar Investment Trust Plc - Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation 
07:00  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24%
Petra Diamonds Ltd - Director Change 
07:00  TAP NEX,QTZ NEX,O.046123986 ORBISID   
Tap Global Group Plc - Placing to Raise £1 Million 
07:00  Petra Diamonds Limited  -17.24%
Petra Diamonds Ltd - H1 FY 2024 Interim results 
07:00  Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc  0.00%
Interim Management Statement Q1 2025 
07:00  71XK LSE,O.001051588 ORBISID,O.203719334 ORBISID   
JPMorgan Chase & Co - JPMC&Co. 10-K (2025) 
07:00  O.060526886 ORBISID,O.129610417 ORBISID   
Nomura Fin. Prducts - Post-Stab Notice - CCDJ GBP 600M 15.01.2025 
07:00  BR47 LSE   
Binghatti Sukuk SPC - Annual Financial Report 2024 
07:00  Europa Metals Limited  -20.00%
Europa Metals Ltd - Viridian Metals Transaction Update 
07:00  XP Factory PLC  0.00%
XP Factory PLC - Reduction of Capital, Circular & Notice of GM 
07:00  Fevertree Drinks PLC  1.83%
Fevertree Drinks PLC - Commencement of share buyback programme 
07:00  Wilmington plc  -7.83%
Wilmington PLC - Half-year Report 
07:00  Empire Metals Limited  3.88%
Empire Metals Ltd - Major Drilling Campaign to Commence at Pitfield 
07:00  Nexxen International Ltd.  0.00%
AIM - Cancellation - Nexxen International Limited 
07:00  Proton Motor Power Systems Plc  0.00%
07:00  Allergy Therapeutics plc  9.93%
Allergy Therapeutics - Grass MATA MPL Phase III data published in Allergy 
07:00  Touchstar plc  2.85%
Touchstar PLC - Trading Update & Conclusion of Strategic Review 
07:00  41CO LSE,83WO LSE,O.065840666 ORBISID   
Kommunal Landspensj - Fourth Quarter Results 
07:00  HSBK LSE,HALYY OTC-PINK,37QB LSE,HSBK Kazakhstan,O.074378590 ORBISID,O.080595837 ORBISID,O.050247077 ORBISID  0.00%
JSC Halyk Bank - Transaction in Own Securities 
07:00  River UK Micro Cap Limited  0.00%
River UK Micro Cap - Notice of AGM 
07:00  ITM Power PLC  -4.32%
ITM Power PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  Phoenix Spree Deutschland Fund  -2.14%
Phoenix SpreeDeutsch - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
07:00  EDX NEX,O.504998476 ORBISID,O.049065076 ORBISID,O.491940468 ORBISID,O.200263449 ORBISID   
EDX Medical Group - EDX develops new ‘super test’ for prostate cancer 
07:00  Sound Energy plc  -3.12%
Sound Energy PLC - Change of Adviser 
07:00  Sound Energy plc  -3.12%
Sound Energy PLC - Change of Adviser 
07:00  Helical plc  0.00%
Helical PLC - Appointment of Group Company Secretary 
07:00  Hercules Site Services Plc  5.76%
Hercules Site Svcs - PCA Dealing 
07:00  abrdn European Logistics Income PLC  0.00%
abrdn Euro Logistics - Fourth Interim Distribution 
07:00  World Chess PLC  0.00%
World Chess PLC - Board Changes 
07:00  World Chess PLC  0.00%
World Chess PLC - Board Changes 
07:00  FAIR LSE,FA17 LSE,TTM LSE,O.187080701 ORBISID  0.00%
Fair Oaks Income Ltd - Return of Capital to Realisation Shareholders 
07:00  RTW Biotech Opportunities Ltd USD  0.00%
RTW Biotech Opp. - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  Coral Products plc  -2.17%
Coral Products PLC - Completion of Property Sale and Directorate Change 
07:00  Auction Technology Group PLC  -1.19%
Auction Technology - Debt Refinance 
07:00  Scancell Holdings Plc  -3.26%
Scancell Hlds - Scancell presenting at AACR IO conference 
07:00  Mony Group PLC  4.63%
Mony Group PLC - Commencement of Share Buyback 
07:00  Mony Group PLC  4.63%
Mony Group PLC - Preliminary Results 
07:00  Oxford BioMedica plc  -0.25%
Oxford Biomedica PLC - Full Year Trading Update and Notice of Results 
07:00  Ebiquity Plc  3.21%
Ebiquity PLC - Appointment of NOMAD and Trading Update 
07:00  FRP Advisory Group Plc  2.98%
FRP Advisory Grp PLC - Q3 Trading Update and Dividend Declaration 
07:00  BARC LSE,IDS LSE,BCS NYSE,O.009161929 ORBISID,O.160770263 ORBISID,O.413314652 ORBISID  3.32%
07:00  BARC LSE,IDS LSE,BCS NYSE,O.009161929 ORBISID,O.160770263 ORBISID,O.413314652 ORBISID  3.32%
07:00  Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust Ltd  -1.58%
Schroder Real Estate - NAV update for the quarter to 31 December 2024 
07:00  GSK plc  -1.08%
GSK PLC - GSK 5-in-1 meningitis vaccine approved by US FDA 
07:00  Epwin Group PLC  0.56%
Epwin Group PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  Cel AI PLC  0.00%
Cel AI PLC - Changes in Board Composition - Grant of Warrants 
07:00  Evoke plc  -0.13%
Evoke PLC - Notice of Results 
07:00  Tekcapital Plc  14.87%
Tekcapital plc - 2024 Review - Year End Portfolio Update 
07:00  Investment Co. Plc  0.00%
Investment Co PLC - Half-year Report 
07:00  Tekmar Group Plc  2.25%
Tekmar Group PLC - Appointment of Chief Operating Officer 
07:00  Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund Limited Ptg.Shs GBP  1.98%
Sequoia Econ Infra - NAV and Investment Update 
07:00  CleanTech Lithium PLC  1.85%
CleanTech Lithium - Retail Offer to Shareholders 
07:00  Sancus Lending Group Limited  0.00%
Sancus Lending Group - Junior Funding Commitment 
07:00  hVIVO plc  -0.55%
hVIVO PLC - £2m hMPV characterisation study contract 
07:00  RHI Magnesita NV  -0.26%
RHI Magnesita N.V. - Notice of Results 
07:00  Insig AI PLC  3.50%
Insig AI Plc - New Client Win and Revenue Share Partnership 
07:00  Thor Energy Plc  8.33%
Thor Energy PLC - Completion of Acquisition and TVR 
07:00  Mkango Resources Ltd.  -1.09%
Mkango Resources Ltd - Land Lease Agreement Signed in Poland 
07:00  Orosur Mining Inc.  -5.80%
Orosur Mining Inc - Orosur Completes Phase one of El Pantano JV 
07:00  Helix Exploration Plc  -1.99%
07:00  Helix Exploration Plc  -1.99%
07:00  Redcentric Plc  -3.36%
Redcentric PLC - Exercise of Options 
07:00  Creo Medical Group Plc  -10.05%
Creo Medical Group - FY24 Trading Update 
07:00  Origin Enterprises Plc  0.00%
Origin Enterprises - New five-year €440 million credit facility 
07:00  Origin Enterprises Plc  0.00%
Origin Enterprises - New five-year €440 million credit facility 
07:00  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62%
Alkemy Capital Invs. - Placing to raise £1.035 million 
07:00  Alkemy Capital Investments Plc  -8.62%
Alkemy Capital Invs. - Placing to raise £1.035 million 
07:00  Ondo Insur Tech PLC  -0.52%
Ondo InsurTech PLC - PURE expands LeakBot program 
07:00  IP Group plc  -4.50%
IP Group PLC - Istesso update on P2b study of leramistat in RA 
07:00  Kromek Group Plc  2.11%
Kromek Group PLC - $25m received under Siemens Healthineers agreement 
07:00  Anglo American plc  0.42%
Anglo American PLC - Anglo American update on AAP demerger 
07:00  CMA LSE   
Competition and Mkts - Merger Update: Topps Tiles / CTD 
07:00  Future Metals NL  3.33%
Future Metals NL - Company Update 
07:00  Water Intelligence plc  0.00%
Water Intelligence - Notice of 2024 Trading Update and Strategic Plan 
07:00  Springfield Properties PLC  2.53%
Springfield Props. - Springfield Signs Land Sale Agreement with Barratt 
07:00  Bluebird Mining Ventures Ltd.  -8.33%
Bluebird Mining Vnt. - Company Update 
07:00  88 Energy Limited  0.00%
88 Energy Limited - Farm-out for Project Phoenix Horizontal Test Well 
07:00  National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC Sponsored GDR RegS  0.00%
JSC NAC Kazatomprom - KAP and Axpo Sign Contract for Uranium Supply 
07:00  LBG Media Plc  -1.78%
LBG Media PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding 
07:00  CAP-XX Limited  0.00%
CAP-XX Limited - Half-year Results 
07:00  Assura PLC  8.97%
USS Inv. Mgmt Ltd - Rule 2.8 Announcement 
07:00 AM
PR Newswire - Start of Day 
06:00  O.000510878 ORBISID,O.000711800 ORBISID,O.004166074 ORBISID   
Start of Day Message 
06:00 AM
RNS - Test Message 
05:00  O.004199180 ORBISID   
RNS - Service Notice