The world lusts for nitrogen-containing fertilisers as availability dominates pricing negotiations with ammonia prices flying up since the beginning of Q1. Being part of the story, Yara was one of the beneficiaries despite volume’s tiny performance. The higher sales prices could be introduced also because of the sharp (!) increase in natural gas prices yoy and sequentially. Our not too ambitious expectations were beaten, especially on the profitability level, but consensus was missed on all line ....
23 Apr 2021
Energy prices start to be the expected pain
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Energy prices start to be the expected pain
- Published:
23 Apr 2021 -
Martin Schnee -
The world lusts for nitrogen-containing fertilisers as availability dominates pricing negotiations with ammonia prices flying up since the beginning of Q1. Being part of the story, Yara was one of the beneficiaries despite volume’s tiny performance. The higher sales prices could be introduced also because of the sharp (!) increase in natural gas prices yoy and sequentially. Our not too ambitious expectations were beaten, especially on the profitability level, but consensus was missed on all line ....