Market conditions remain challenging but the balance between the group’s divisions create greater stability, enabling further growth. In Q1 Shipbroking has tracked wider market patterns with tankers reporting high volumes. Technical was behind the equivalent period and Logistics has performed in line. Although the short term outlook remains difficult its diverse portfolio offers opportunities to build the group further. On our maintained FY2017E PBT of £13.7m, the shares are on a
30 Jun 2016
Markets still challenging but balance helps
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Markets still challenging but balance helps
Braemar PLC (BMS:LON) | 276 13.8 1.8% | Mkt Cap: 91.0m
- Published:
30 Jun 2016 -
Peter Ashworth -
Market conditions remain challenging but the balance between the group’s divisions create greater stability, enabling further growth. In Q1 Shipbroking has tracked wider market patterns with tankers reporting high volumes. Technical was behind the equivalent period and Logistics has performed in line. Although the short term outlook remains difficult its diverse portfolio offers opportunities to build the group further. On our maintained FY2017E PBT of £13.7m, the shares are on a